Salon Owners

Be a trend leader in your area with the Ultimate Applicator! 
With quick, affordable, lasting results, your salon will carry an exclusive product that no one else can compete with. Our one of a kind all natural applicator will leave your customers feeling tight/toned and firmed and they will want to tell all their friends and family what they experienced at YOUR salon! 

We are a debt free company and we have been established over 12 years. Our product line consists of all natural, organic products. We have many supplements and skin care, but we are known for our Ultimate Applicator. Our Ultimate Applicator tightens tones and detoxes problem areas in as little as 45 minutes. I have seen truly amazing results with this product and not only is there finally a problem to saggy, lose skin, but it works wonders on stretch marks, cellulite and varicose veins. The Ultimate Applicator is botanically formulated and when applied to the skin it opens up fat cells and releases toxins. This process results in the tightening and toning of skin and BEST part of this is that 90% of the time this results in INCH loss!
I would love the opportunity to set up an appointment for you for a complimentary wrap and consultation and to further explain my products. This would be a great add on to your spa. You can offer this service as a add on service or as a separate service on its own. Whole sale price for one single wrap is $15; suggested retail is $25-50 per wrap. Please read on for information explaining the product further and how it would benefit your spa. 

Benefits of Servicing the Product Line:
1. Your Salon will become a Trend Leader in your area ...THE product expert looking out for your clients.
2. Your Salon will offer an EXCLUSIVE product line that is effective and made from all-natural ingredients, making it a safe alternative to painful surgery and costly chemically based procedures.
3. Your Salon can gain credibility through the product's recognition by major networks (ABC, CNN & NBC) as well as celebrities since the body slimming treatments were featured in the gift suites at the Oscar's and Emmy's.
4. Your salon will become THE destination to firm clients' trouble spots before special occasions (e.g., trips, weddings, reunions, holidays) since they will start to see results in as little as 45 minutes!
5. Your salon doesn't need a wet room, and there is no equipment to buy. The application process takes only minutes, and the Applicator is ready-to-use and mess-free!
6. Your salon can boost product sales by offering the clients progressive results with continued use at home.
7. Your salon can offer customized body contouring that is NOT water loss, making it unique. 

Ultimate Body Applicator Highlights:
This exclusive body slimming Applicator is a site-specific, non-woven cloth (11" x 22") that is infused with botanical ingredients. No synthetic, artificial or animal by-products are contained in the Applicators. Targeting the areas your clients want to reduce, the Applicator can be applied to the stomach, thighs, chin/neck, back or arms. A maximum of one Applicator should be applied at once.
A single Applicator contains 12 active ingredients that absorb through the skin to the sub dermal layers to stimulate cellular lipolytic activity and increase lymphatic drainage, which causes inch loss, not water loss. The Applicator also helps:
• firms, tones and tightens skin
• eliminates cellulite and skin slackening
• shrinks fat cells
The Applicator must be worn for at least 45 minutes, and there is no limit on how long to keep it on. Once the Applicator is removed, any remaining product should be rubbed into the skin. The ingredients stay in the body for 72 hours, so a subsequent Applicator should be applied 3 days after the first was administered. The Applicators provide immediate and progressive results, and once the desired results are achieved, they typically last 2 to 6 months.
The Applicator should not be used on women who are pregnant or nursing.
Defining Gel Highlights:
As a companion product to the Applicator, the Defining Gel can be applied daily for improved results during the treatment process as well as a daily moisturizer and firming gel to maintain results. Used in areas that show signs of cellulite, sagging skin (slackening) and stretch marks, the Defining Gel contains the same active ingredients as the Applicator, but in a reduced concentration that is safe for everyday use.
Steps for SUCCESS:
1. Schedule an in-salon training for all personnel to get them excited about the product...sharing stories is the best way to spread the word, since there is no "sales" pitch involved.
2. Host an "invitation-only" in-salon party featuring the Ultimate Body Applicator to kick-off the new product line, building excitement...and demand!
3. Send html-enabled email (to link to salon web site) and direct mail announcement combined with special New Years offer (e.g., discount to try for month of January).
4. Conduct a "Win a FREE Wrap" raffle to collect names of those interested in trying it, and customize special promotion in targeted appeal.
5. Place new product line announcements at each station and front check-in counter to serve as conversation starters (e.g., what is that?).
6. Offer a New Year gift package including Ultimate Body Applicator with other salon services.
7. Promote as Wrap N' Relax service, where the Ultimate Body Applicator is applied as an add-on service to wear while they are receiving other salon services.
8. Shelf the product for Wrap N' Go, where the Ultimate Body Applicator is applied in the privacy of their home as a trial (single Applicator) or entire treatment (4-pack of Applicators). You can shelf the Defining Gel as a companion product to use as daily moisturizer and firming gel to maintain results of Applicator. 

Revenue Generation

Signing up as a Distributor with It Works! Global to service the product line allows your salon to receive wholesale pricing. The cost of each wrap is $15, and it retails between $25 and $50, which is a markup of 200-400%. The product speaks for itself, and word-of-mouth brings them through your salon door. The opportunities are endless. 

As your customers, friends and family begin to depend on the results this one-of-a-kind Applicator produces, you can capitalize on signing them as direct customers, who order product directly from It Works! Global. For the referral, you'll receive 15% for the lifetime of their orders. When you reach 60 active customers, you receive an add-on bonus of $600 automatically. You do nothing. The Applicators are shipped to their homes, and you receive the commission every month.
Signing other distributors has immense residual income potential that can be explored in further detail, if interested. I suggest signing as a distributor, then signing your employees that will be applying the wraps as distributors so not only will they make their own income, but you will make just as much from them as you'd make yourself. Think of it like an extra "commission" on their pay. They will work harder and get customers, even outside of the work place, because they will be making money for themselves and not just for you.
# of Applicators Sold Wholesale Cost ($15 per) Gross Sales ($30 per) Net Profit
3 $36.75 $90 $53
6 $73.50 $180 $107
10 $122.50 $300 $178
15 $183.75 $450 $266
# of Applicators Sold Wholesale Cost ($15 per) Gross Sales ($30 per) Net Profit
156 (3/week) $1,911 $4,680 $2,769
312 (6/week) $3,822 $9,360 $5,538
520 (10/week) $6,370 $15,600 $9,230
780 (15/week) $9,555 $23,400 $13,845 

The only out-of-pocket cost of becoming a Distributor is the distributor kit which costs $99. This entitles you to all the rights to sell the entire It Works! Global product line. You will receive 4 Ultimate Applicators to get you started (and to make back your initial investment immediately, assortment of sales aides, distributor and customer order forms and much more. This is a very small investment for such a huge revenue potential.
I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read this. Feel free to contact me with further questions and I will be following up with you in about a week unless I hear from you sooner!

It Works! Distributor     405.760.9727  -Click on Join or Opportunity for more info